
Shaping Our Future Events

Keen to stay in the loop of upcoming events? Join us.
Got an idea for an event? Share with us.

We host a variety of events, including informational evenings, workshops, and forums.

These can be standalone or part of a series, formal or casual. We sometimes co-host with other community organisations.

Through this community outreach, we gather and distill a common vision that directs the advice we put to councils, often through formal submissions.

Keen to stay in the loop of upcoming events? Join us.
Got an idea for an event? Share with us.

Upcoming Events

Carrying Capacity Workshops

Shaping our Future are holding two public workshops as the first step of enabling these conversations. We’re going to work on what is known as our ‘social carrying capacity’.

AGM 2023

We invite you to join us for our Annual General Meeting 2023. Shaping our Future will report on our work over the last year and work underway to empower communities to describe and work towards their successful outcomes.

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