
What We Do,
And Why We Do It

What We Do

Democracy relies on hearing what the people want, so we use traditional and innovative ways to reach out to the community.

The more voices, the better the vision.

We have used a tried-and-true process of café-style forums that sets up a taskforce to creatively solve an issue the community has identified. The taskforce produces a report that goes back to the original forum to be ratified before it gets presented to a governing body.

As our world has evolved, so has our communication.

We also use online meetings, host talks, and collaborate with other organisations to engage with all parts of our community.

Our goal is to make sure you feel well represented by the decision-makers of our future.

Have you seen a Shaping our Future forum in action? This is your chance to see how we bring the community together to share ideas and collaborate on a plan to influence policies that affect us all.

Why We Do it

Our goal is to widen the discussion to include everyone and achieve a common vision together.

It’s our place; we all want to see it thrive.

We applaud our councils for engaging with the community, yet it’s not always easy to follow a submission process. This is where Shaping our Future comes in.

We add value to council consultation by reaching out and engaging with diverse groups with the understanding that democracy works best when everyone is represented.

“A number of priorities were highlighted for us all to ponder on. I look forward to taking part in further contributions to try to include these priorities in the direction for our future.”

Simon, Forum participant