Frankton Master Plan

Draft Masterplan Update: Wednesday 17th July 2019, 6pm
Queenstown Events Centre
RSVP or register: Shaping our Future here or on the Facebook event or email [email protected]
The “Wakatipu Way to Go” group are teaming up with Shaping Our Future and Frankton Community Association to co-host an event from 6.00pm-7.00pm on Wednesday 17 July at the Queenstown Event Centre.
Come along to hear about progress on the plan so far from the project team and how the ideas proposed could change the way you live, work and play in Frankton by 2048.
If you are unable to make the event, you’ll be able to provide feedback from 27 June-26 July 2019 at You’ll find all details along with a short survey asking what you think we’ve got it right or if there is anything missing.
Let us know your views on this aspirational plan to transform Te Kirikiri / Frankton. Help us create a legacy to leave for future generations that reflects the community’s needs and vision.
The Wakatipu Way to Go group is a formal collaborative partnership of Queenstown Lakes District Council, the New Zealand Transport Agency and Otago Regional Council. It recognises that all three agencies have an important role in driving change and that by working together and integrating projects the best possible outcomes can be reached.
Shaping our Future worked with the Frankton Community Association and QLDC to facilitate a Community Forum on 25th September 2018 to inform the wider Frankton Masterplan.