Arrowtown Community Visioning
Creating Better Communities Together…
Arrowtown Community Vision 2022
About the 2022 Arrowtown Community Visioning. The report can be read here.
In 2017 the Arrowtown Community Visioning report was produced after a comprehensive process of community workshops and task force consideration of the big issues. The 2017 report and all supporting documents are here.
Now, 5 years on, the vision has been reviewed by a group of local volunteers to see what has changed, what has been achieved, what could be added, and what the recommendations for action should look like to make them relevant to today.
The group reviewed the content relating to 5 key themes addressed by working groups involved in the 2017 exercise and updated the vision statements, success descriptors, added some new key performance indicators and recommendations for action.
The updated Arrowtown Community Vision and its recommendations were presented to the community at a public meeting on September 28th 2022, and this final report incorporates the feedback and comments made at that meeting.
This updated vision report purposely mirrors the format of the 2017 document (and borrows its imagery) so that the structure of recommendations is consistent and comparable to the 2017 document the significant majority of which is still relevant to the Arrowtown of 2022 and alongside which this report should be considered.
This report is intended to provide ‘decision makers’ (from community groups to statutory bodies) with direction to guide their decision making and it is hoped, in particular, that QLDC staff will actively respect and utilise its content.
The Arrowtown Village Association and Shaping our Future would like to acknowledge and thank the many individuals who have given their time over the years to produce, update and strive towards the implementation of the community vision for Arrowtown.