
Community Action
and Forums

Share our successes;
Be part of our future.

Since 2011 we have been engaging with our community on a range of topics.

Over 2000 community members have spent over 4000 volunteer hours working collectively to influence policy-making in the Queenstown Lakes District.

We have helped shape policy using public forums and task forces to create reports and deliver recommendations that reflect community consensus. We have relied on a well-tested formula, involving a public forum leading to a volunteer task force creating a strategy report, which goes back to the forum to become endorsed and presented as recommendations to the government.

Our world changes and our methods of engaging have too. We use surveys, online sessions and host talks as ways of getting a conversation started with you.

Latest News

4 days ago

Shaping Our Future
Developers have lodged a consent application for a new hotel and village and entertainment complex in #Hāwea.The proposed development will feature a hotel, visitor accommodation, private residences, hospitality, retail and entertainment.The new hotel will be relocated further up Capell Avenue on a site that includes the existing Hāwea Store & Kitchen.The commercial precinct will be complemented by 20 premium lakefront lots in a subdivision on the existing hotel site.It is anticipated that construction of the Lake Hāwea Hotel & Residences would begin late 2025.#LakeHāwea #LakeHawea #QueenstownLakesDistrict #UpperClutha ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Shaping Our Future
The seriousness of road incidents involving horses has prompted riders to encourage road safety messaging as they are not formally recognised as a vulnerable road user (VRU), like cyclists and pedestrians. Formal recognition would put horses equal to cyclists in terms of vulnerability and would be similar to definitions included in the European Commission and the United Kingdom highway code.The Ministry of Transport (New Zealand) ’s Road to Zero Road Safety Strategy fails to mention horse riders.Kiwi horse riders have launched a petition to have horse riders formally recognised as VRUs.The petition also seeks to address legislation the network sees as ineffective, asking for the Land Transport Act to be amended to include safe provision for horse riders. petitions.parliament.nz/7903bbe1-bef3-4a14-3e6e-08dca632fe79?fbclid=IwY2xjawEZEM5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQA...#RoadToZero #Hawea #Wanaka #Queenstown #EquestrianNZ ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Shaping Our Future
From #Barcelona to #queenstown Is the world turning against tourism?Barcelona locals are so fed up with being overrun by tourists that they have taken to protesting in the streets and squirting visitors with water pistols. Would this ever happen in #newzealand's tourist capital?Listen now to Chief Exec John talk about our #carryingcapacity project August 28th episode interactives.stuff.co.nz/newsable/#queenstown #queenstownlife #wanaka #lovewanaka ... See MoreSee Less
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Share our successes;
Be part of our future.

Since 2011 we have been engaging with our community on a range of topics.

Over 2000 community members have spent over 4000 volunteer hours working collectively to influence policy-making in the Queenstown Lakes District.

We have helped shape policy using public forums and task forces to create reports and deliver recommendations that reflect community consensus. We have relied on a well-tested formula, involving a public forum leading to a volunteer task force creating a strategy report, which goes back to the forum to become endorsed and presented as recommendations to the government.

Our world changes and our methods of engaging have too. We use surveys, online sessions and host talks as ways of getting a conversation started with you.

“We are in the right place and moment, so we have to act collectively and act now.”

FRANCO, Forum participant

Have an idea for a forum, talk, or discussion?

Please get in touch with us; we are community-driven and welcome feedback and ideas.

For more information, including final reports, minutes, and updates, please click on one of the Forum Topics listed.

Remember to join Shaping our Future if you want to keep up to date with the latest developments!